An early morning start with a quiet drive from Elgin to the Abbey whilst most of the population remained asleep. A young deer which jumped out of the undergrowth onto my path provided the necessary wake up call as I drove. Thank goodness it was summer and, even so early in the morning, full daylight. Summer did I say? Well what passes for summer this year in Northern Scotland. Some oblates felt so cold we vacated the marquee and held the Sunday conferences in the transepts out of the rain, wind and less clement temperatures of an indifferent Scottish summer.
Although I cannot reproduce the entire video here due to You Tube restrictions I post the first 10 minutes below.
Sext was followed by lunch in the marquee accompanied by some excellent home pressed apple juice from the Abbey's orchard. We then attended None before settling down to a talk given by Brother Michael, the cellarer, on the duties of his position; an example of which he is demonstrating in this photo.
Vespers, a super supper in the marquee, followed by Compline then back to the marquee for the evening conference. Originally this was scheduled for a video talk from Fr Giles (seen on the extreme right in this photo avec bald pate, beard and either long shorts or short longs), the prior of Kristo Buase and monk of Pluscarden, a dependent house jointly founded by the Abbeys of Prinknash, Ramsgate and Pluscarden. Also seen are sisters from an experimental community of female religious nearby.
Unfortunately the videos did not arrive (The Ghana post office service is even worse than the Royal Mail) . Nothing daunted Fr Martin arranged an alternate evening conference for us and what a little gem of history it proved to be. A vintage video of the restoration of Pluscarden Priory from 1948 marking a truly historical event in Scottish Catholic annals. I do hope you enjoy it.
(shown by kind permission of Pluscarden Abbey)
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