Friday, 6 August 2010

Pluscarden Oblates Weekend


Readers know that I am a bit of a wanderer and have blogged about places far and wide but nevertheless I have not lost sight of the fact I am an Lay Oblate of Pluscarden Abbey.  It was therefore with great joy and deep gratitude to Father Abbot, the Community at Pluscarden and our venerable oblate master Dom Martin that an Oblates Weekend was arranged for the weekend 31st July until 2nd August.

The meeting came about as a consequence of the Oblates World Congress in Rome in 2009.   Our Abbey was represented by the indomitable Margaret Coll whose report on the Congress was included in a previous edition of the Oblate Newsletter.  Also in attendance over the weekend was a committee member of Benedictine Oblates (UK), Jane Coll (and NO for the hundredth time, I'm not Margaret Coll's sister).  Look at this photo and then you can make up your own mind.

I shall try to précis most of the talks given over the weekend although this will most certainly require at least two further entries to do this most memorable experience some degree of justice.  At the behest of Fr Martin I took up both my camera and camcorder to "record" the highlights (and there were many).   Some of the photographs may be accessed HERE but I regret that due to the very restrictive nature of YouTube (maximum of 10 minute clips) I cannot post the videos as most talks were in the region of 45 minutes to 1 hour plus a Q & A session.

All is not lost however as it is my intention to produce a DVD containing the 4 main talks and make these available to Oblates on request; subject of course to Fr. Abbot's approval.  Let me say Fr. Abbot's talk on Prophecy, Priesthood and Kingship is a definite must hear! And no, I did not write that just to ensure a positive response from Fr. Abbot - honestly.

Owning to a very full diary over the next couple of weeks I shall have to leave you all on tenterhooks as my ability to blog will be non existent (I shall be bobbing about on the high seas).


  1. Er, tenterhooks, martin, tenterhooks!

  2. Ah, yes, tenter from the Latin tendere. Mea Culpa.
